July 3, 2013

Task Group Awards (July 2013) - With Admiral Reece Thompson

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the mid-year awards ceremony.

It's been an interesting half a year, with a lot of a changes. Every one of you has helped these changes go along smoothly, and I wish I could award you all something. However, I just don't have the patience or creativity to come up with an award that everyone gets. So here are the awards that I can give out now.

I'd like to start with the Shining Record Award.

This is one of the newer awards given out to new members who submit an exceptional application. The first ever winner of this award goes to Kiera N'Valae. It was lengthy and well detailed. An excellent start for a promising character.

Next up, I'd like to the do the ship awards.

I'll start this section off with the Amiable Crew Award.

This is also one of the newer awards. It's for the most friendly and welcoming SIMM. Without a doubt, this had to go to the crew of the USS Gibson. They were the first ones to start up the welcome topic, and it's been active every single time someone joins that ship. Good going Gibson.

Next up is the Crew Efficiency Award.

You all know this one. It's for the best organised SIMM. I had one in mind immediately, but then a different SIMM caught my eye. They have been through a lot of changes, but the SIMM has always been organised and well run thanks to the Command Staff. I'd like to award this to USS Gettysburg.

The final award for this section is the Unit Citation.

This colourful award goes to the most active SIMM. Therefore, it went straight to the USS Churchill. Even though they've wormed their way through a quarter of a dozen Command Officers this half-year, the crew have always been active and have excelled themselves with their posting ability.

Lastly, are the individual awards.

These awards are for those individuals that I believe have outdone themselves.

I'm going to start with the Distinguished Command Award.

This award is for the Commanding Officer that I think has shown the best leadership. Now, I couldn't give this to myself unfortunately, so I went for the next best. It's my pleasure to award this medal to Captain John Brown.

Next up is the Distinguished XO Award.

This is a relatively new award as well. Given to the Executive Officer who I think has performed their duties the best. There were two contenders for this. And I found it extremely difficult to choose between them. However, I could only choose one, so I decided to give it to Commander T'Ra Jones. She managed to keep the Gettysburg running and organised during the CO's absence, and for that, thoroughly deserves this award.

Finally, the last award I would like to give out is the Task Group Commander's Commendation.

This award is given to a person who I believe is worthy of special recognition. A lot of people have stepped up to the plate recently, and I would like to give each of them this award, however, I can give it to only one person. As such, I would like to give it to Lieutenant Jon Tulley. He has helped Admiral Newberry and I in a large number of ways and has taken on more responsibilities recently. Thank you Jon.

Those are all the awards that I can give out, however I would also like to give a special thanks to all the Academy Instructors, and everyone who applied to be one. Also, thanks to the Media and Recruitment team and big ol' thank you to the crews of each SIMM. Shadow Fleet couldn't function without all of you, so thank you all very much.

Well done, everyone.

-Admiral Reece Thompson

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