The proposal, if accepted by the Shadow Fleet Admiralty, will comprise of various stages called "modules" with each designed to assist a new player in learning about an area of the fleet. It is hoped that this new course will help those younger and inexperienced role-players integrate more readily into role-playing onboard a Shadow Fleet SIMM.
The complete outline of the proposal can be viewed below.
Course eligibility
The Shadow Fleet basic training course is open to all members up to and including the rank of Senior Crewman.
Course Aims
- To provide new members with the core foundation of knowledge required on Shadow Fleet.
- To provide a platform for further study, improvement and preparation for EPC/CORP/COTC.
- To provide staff with better knowledge of new member requirements.
- To provide new members with a chance to showcase talent and seek reward.
Course Rewards
C grade - Certificate of merit reward.
For those who grasp the basics of the course but show little initiative or imagination.
B grade- Certificate of excellence reward.
For those who understand well the lessons of the course and show initiative and imagination. Those who the instructors feel have potential and will continue improving.
A grade - Basic Training award + Certificate of excellence reward.
For those who show excellent ability in all aspects of the course. This is for students who the instructors feel are in the upper tier of posting competency amongst the forum members.
Course Material
Module A: Spelling & Grammar.
References to be offered: Improve on...Spelling and Help file: Spelling & Grammar
This module should establish the students current writing ability, then offer testing on a basic role play scenario. Once complete, the instructor will offer his evaluation of this module and module B.
Module B: Correct Shadow Fleet posting techniques.
References to be offered: Help file: Posting format and Improve on...posting format
This module should be included along with module A and instruct the student in the correct use of Shadow Fleet posting format.
Module C: Star Trek Technical knowledge.
References to be offered: ACTD tech specs, Memory Alpha and Improve on...technical knowledge
This module should be treat as a normal mission type situation, where the correct posting format is to be followed. Good spelling and grammar should also remain present. The aim of this module is to have the applicant show they can research basic technology principles and apply them in character. Canon should be adhered to and god modding avoided.
Module D: Describing action.
References to be offered: ACTD tech specs, Memory Alpha and God-Modding
This module should be treat as a normal mission type situation, where the correct posting format is to be followed. Good spelling and grammar should also remain present. The aim of this module is to have the student describe an action sequence in a mission context. Canon should be adhered to and god modding avoided.
Over the next three weeks, we're looking to you - our members - for ideas and opinions on this new proposal. Do you think it is a good idea? Would it attract or deter new members? Would you have found it helpful when you joined the fleet? Let us know your thoughts by posting in the official discussion topic.
All ideas and opinions will be respected and each one will assist the Admiralty in coming to a final decision regarding this major change to the fleet recruitment process. The closing date for this consultation will be May 4th, after which a decision will be made and announced fleet-wide.
Until then, we welcome you thoughts.
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