April 30, 2013
Two New Officers For The Fleet
It is our pleasure to announce that two players have successfully graduated Shadow Fleet Academy following successful applications during our recent Commissioned Officer Recruiting Period.
Ensigns Jon Tulley and Mike Anderson have successfully completed a grueling officer assessment, testing their verbal reasoning skills, posting ability, departmental knowledge and dispute management. In their new roles, they will be held to higher standards and expected to demonstrate a standard of leadership befitting an officer in the fleet.
Are you aiming to become a commissioned officer? Keep your eyes open for our next CORP, coming later in the year. Until then, please congratulate our latest additions to the Shadow Fleet officer corps!
Newest Player - Samantha Reyes
We are delighted to welcome another new player to Shadow Fleet.
Crewman Recruit Samantha Reyes will be taking up a position as Engineering Crewman on the USS Churchill.
She also happens to be the sister-in-law of our very own Ensign Mike Anderson so please afford her an extra-special warm welcome!
Star Trek Into Darkness - New Movie Banners
Scotty, Chekov, Sulu, and Bones get their own banners... Take a look at http://bitly/11IUYIF. Do you think Chekov will survive the change in colors?
April 29, 2013
Post of the Month - April 2013
The last thirty days has certainly gone by quick as it's now time to announce April's Post of the Month!
[USS Gibson, Deck 7, Exercise room]Kylik had only barely gotten the shaky Hobson prepared for transport when the Gibson rocked violently. It took the Rutian a moment to register that something had impacted the ship, and that something had not met resistance from the shields. Two more hits registered, sending the medical crewman tumbling.Kylik half-stumbled, half-crawled to the viewports lining the side of the room, and didn't like what he saw. He wasn't sure of the configuration, but several smaller attack ships had surrounded them, and were flying complicated manoeuvres all around the ship. It appeared, however, that the attackers were choosing their targets carefully. Kylik noted that several of the small ships had fired in exactly the same pattern as they had come bearing down on the Gibson. Before the Rutian realised why, though, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the training room doors hissing opening.He heard Lloyd gasp first. Next, he noted the reflection in the viewport, a figure blocking out nearly the entirety of the light that should have been flooding in from the corridor. Next, a fetor pervaded the room, smelling as if it had been allowed to fester from years. Yet none of these were enough to prepare him for what he saw when he turned.Even standing, Kylik barely measured 5'8". Slumped against the wall, however, it appeared to be a bastion rather than a beast standing in the doorway. Sheets of black plating adorned the creature and glinted as if metal. All of the limbs and the neck were thicker than Kylik's waist, hinting at powerful musculature. At the extremities, the creatures were covered with hairs, small and dark. Small amounts of bluish-grey skin could be seen peeking out from underneath parts of the armour. Worst of all was the mouth, an abnormally large jaw with protruding incisors that glinted as if generously covered in liquid.'Poison.' Kylik thought.The beast looked down upon the Rutian, clearly in no hurry to make a move. It knew as well as he did that Kylik was no threat. Slowly, the creature started approaching him, a muffled clicking sound escaping from its closed mouth, as if it eagerly anticipated the coming kill.Kylik was frozen with fear, stuck in place. But he wasn't alone, and as Lloyd charged the beast from the side, the Rutian almost believed there was hope. It proved false, though, the Braxian catching the blow at the last second and sending Lloyd crashing into a nearby stack of weights.Realising this would likely be his only opportunity to do something, Kylik reached for the phaser at his belt.His hand grasped at air, and the realisation of the phasers hidden in sickbay came crashing down on him. Other than a futile charge, there was nothing he could do.The Rutian watched in horror as the Braxian approached the downed crewman, apparently deciding to deal with him first. This time it did not see the blow coming, the injured Hobson attacking the beast from behind, wielding a training weight as a weapon.Hobson, although smarting, was throwing his full weight into every attack, and appeared to be shouting.It was only then that Kylik realised that Hobson was shouting his name."Roth! Roth! Snap out of it! Do something! Do something or so damn you I'll let him eat you! Roth!"Kylik barely registered how loud the screams actually were, but it was enough to galvanize him. Only, he had no idea what he could do. Lloyd had recovered enough in the distraction to begin a two-pronged attack on the Braxian, but even together it was obvious that they were only a momentary distraction. But without any real weapons nearby, there was nothing the Rutian could do to help.'Nothing. Except, maybe...' Kylik's eyes fell on the medkit he had brought along.He looked from the kit to the Braxian, who had again sent Lloyd crashing and was now toying with Hobson.Back to the kit.There was no way to be sure the hypospray would penetrate the creature's shell.Back to the Braxian.It had grabbed Hobson around the neck, raising him several inches off the floor, seemingly wanting to consider the human at eye level.He had to try.Kylik rushed to the kit, easily releasing one of the pre-loaded hyposprays from the satchel. He selected Neurozine, set it to maximum dosage, and turned. The Braxian had sent the crumpled form of Hobson flying into the far corner of the room, and had rounded on the Rutian. As it started approaching him, Kylik mirrored it.The Braxian's gait became more cautious, the creature obviously uncertain why the terrified Rutian was actually moving closer."What are you doing on my ship?" Kylik taunted. It worked exactly as he'd hoped, the creature opening its mouth to respond. Kylik stepped in, trying to jam the hypospray he was holding into its mouth. Its reflexes were lightning, though, and it easily caught his arm. Kylik wasn't sure whether it was shock or reflex, but he dropped the hypospray, only to catch it with his left hand.This time it definitely was shock that prevented the Braxian from reacting fast enough as Kylik jammed the metal cylinder into its mouth and activated it.For a moment, the Rutian and the Braxian simply stared at each other, not sure what would happen next. After a few seconds, it appeared that the answer was nothing, and the Braxian spat the hypospray to the floor.With a savage grin, the Braxian grabbed Kylik's collar with its other hand, picked him up as if he weighed no more than a pillow, and sent him flying. He felt his head hit something hard, and his vision dimmed.
Congratulations go out to Crewman Kylik Roth on a stunningly detailed post that describes not just the scene around him but his character's thoughts and feelings in a clever and extravagant way that maintains an exciting flow for the reader.
Speaking of Roth's post, Acting Commander Zuriel Soreka commented, "Kylik very early on set the mood of the current situation of the Gibson. Feeding off his fellow shipmates he has given an in depth look at how his character reacts to an emergency situation. With posts like these he has established himself as one of the Gibson's premier members."
Please congratulate Crewman Roth on his achievement this month and don't forget to send you nominations for May's Post of the Month to your Commanding Officer.
Star Trek Into Darkness - Chris Doohan Interview
Check out this interesting interview with Chris Doohan, son of actor James Doohan (Scotty), as he talks about his role in the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness movie, courtesy of TrekMovie.com.
April 28, 2013
5 Things To Look For In Star Trek Into Darkness
Do you know what to look for in Star Trek Into Darkness?
April 27, 2013
Star Trek Into Darkness - IGN Rewind Trailer
Take a look at this interesting breakdown of the upcoming movie as they take a look at costumes, various scenes, possible plot twists, and more.
April 26, 2013
New YouTube Video - USS Gibson
Take a look at the official opening video of the USS Gibson NCC-71922.
April 25, 2013
New YouTube Video - Star Trek Lost Paradise
Check out Shadow Fleet's newest YouTube video heralding the upcoming special mission!
Star Trek Into Darkness - Australian Premiere
Find out what critics had to say about Star Trek Into Darkness following its Australian premiere on 23 April.
Ominous Starship Gets a Name
The ominous starship from Star Trek Into Darkness gets a name! Take a look for yourself and what TrekMovie.com has to say. Too big to be believable or the bigger the better? What do you think?
April 24, 2013
Get Ready For Star Trek: Lost Paradise!
With just seven days left until the launch of our most anticipated Special Mission event yet, it's time to announce the final preparations including the complete crew roster of the USS Lexington!
Responding to a distress call on the outskirts of Federation space, the crew of the USS Lexington are shocked to discover a brand new planet teeming with life. As the rescue party descends on what is a seemingly a tropical paradise, it doesn't take long for the crew to discover the true nature of this new-found world, and the secrets it holds within...
We are excited to announce the crew roster for our brand new Special Mission is as follows:
But it doesn't stop there as chosen to lead our largest Special Mission contingent yet will be our very own Luke Stafford and Jon Tulley as Commanding Officer and First/Chief Science Officer, respectively. Since joining us only a few months ago, both of these players have delved into the Shadow Fleet spirit, taking on secondary jobs without being asked and generally contributing to the overall success of our fleet. It is a delight to have these two running our next Special Mission and we're sure it will be a good one because of it.
And for those of you bursting to try on your new uniform, the official Star Trek: Lost Paradise avatars have now been uploaded for you to sample. Just be careful with those red shirts!

The countdown has begun with just seven days left until the big launch of our largest and most anticipated Special Mission yet! Are you ready to jump into the new Star Trek universe?
Responding to a distress call on the outskirts of Federation space, the crew of the USS Lexington are shocked to discover a brand new planet teeming with life. As the rescue party descends on what is a seemingly a tropical paradise, it doesn't take long for the crew to discover the true nature of this new-found world, and the secrets it holds within...
We are excited to announce the crew roster for our brand new Special Mission is as follows:
- Captain's Yeoman: Ensign Canora Ann Daggerscreech
- Chief Helm Officer: Lieutenant Commander Mike Anderson
- Helm Officer: Lieutenant Kylik Roth
- Shuttlecraft Pilot: Ensign Zuriel Soreka
- Chief Navigator: Lieutenant Ser Conley
- Navigator: Ensign Revek Tre'el
- Chief Security Officer: Lieutenant Commander Kirok
- Security Officer: Lieutenant T'Ra Jones
- Security Officer: Ensign Safefta Pardek
- Security Officer: Ensign Archangel T'Koris
- Security Officer: Ensign Scott Bradley
- Communications Officer: Ensign Rennan Protheus
- Communications Officer: Ensign Sahiba Soreka
- Chief Operations Officer: Lieutenant John Harriman
- Chief Engineer: Lieutenant Commander Sukal
- Engineer: Lieutenant Juran Vesk
- Engineer: Ensign John Brown
- Science Officer: Lieutenant Anara McKnight
- Science Officer: Ensign Ryala
- Chief Medical Officer: Commander Alexander Wu
- Nurse: Lieutenant Riley T. Munro
But it doesn't stop there as chosen to lead our largest Special Mission contingent yet will be our very own Luke Stafford and Jon Tulley as Commanding Officer and First/Chief Science Officer, respectively. Since joining us only a few months ago, both of these players have delved into the Shadow Fleet spirit, taking on secondary jobs without being asked and generally contributing to the overall success of our fleet. It is a delight to have these two running our next Special Mission and we're sure it will be a good one because of it.
And for those of you bursting to try on your new uniform, the official Star Trek: Lost Paradise avatars have now been uploaded for you to sample. Just be careful with those red shirts!

The countdown has begun with just seven days left until the big launch of our largest and most anticipated Special Mission yet! Are you ready to jump into the new Star Trek universe?
Star Trek Into Darkness - Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict Cumberbatch talks about his role as the villain in Star Trek Into Darkness.
What Would Spock Do?
Have you ever asked yourself the question, "What would Spock do?" That is the very question Kirk asks himself when he's desperately trying to find a way to save Spock from impending doom without violating the prime directive.
April 23, 2013
Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer
Have you seen one of the latest trailers for the new movie, Star Trek Into Darkness? If not, then you've come to the right place.
With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one-man weapon of mass destruction.
Scheduled Forum Backup
Make a note in your diary as we've got some planned maintenance time coming up.
Shadow Fleet will be undergoing a complete system-wide backup on Monday 29th April 2013. During this time, visitors may experience slow or intermittent problems with the home page and forums. We ask that you bear with us while we complete these essential maintenance processes that are vital for the continued operation of the RPG.
We expect all work to be completed by the following day, Tuesday 30th April 2013.
Thank you for your understanding.
Shadow Fleet will be undergoing a complete system-wide backup on Monday 29th April 2013. During this time, visitors may experience slow or intermittent problems with the home page and forums. We ask that you bear with us while we complete these essential maintenance processes that are vital for the continued operation of the RPG.
We expect all work to be completed by the following day, Tuesday 30th April 2013.
Thank you for your understanding.
April 21, 2013
Academy Instructors Required
Shadow Fleet Academy is once again on the lookout for qualified players to take on roles teaching the next generation of Shadow Fleet officers.
Reporting directly to the Academy Commandant, Instructors oversee and administer a commissioned officer candidate's course, coaching and developing them throughout. All instructors are briefed and detailed resources provided to assist them in their role.
We are looking for Academy instructors to be in place for CORP 03/13, due to launch later this year. To apply, all applicants must:
- Have been a member of the fleet for at least 3 months
- Hold the minimum rank of Lieutenant and no higher than Commander
- Preferably hold no other secondary duty within the fleet
- Be willing to commit fully for the duration of a candidate's course
- Be able to demonstrate an excellent standard of spelling & grammar
Good luck!
Star Trek: Lost Paradise - Sign Up Now!
Following our recent announcement, we can now reveal more details about our most anticipated Special Mission yet and how you can secure your place!
Responding to a distress call on the outskirts of Federation space, the crew of the USS Lexington are shocked to discover a brand new planet teeming with life. As the rescue party descends on what is a seemingly a tropical paradise, it doesn't take long for the crew to discover the true nature of this new-found world, and the secrets it holds within...
Star Trek: Lost Paradise is the first Shadow Fleet Special Mission to be set entirely in JJ Abrams alternate reality universe. Designed as a celebratory tie-into the upcoming movie Star Trek Into Darkness, our newest fleet-wide event is set to launch on May 1st!
Not only will the entire thing be set in an alternate reality with new ships, characters and weapons, but we'll also be making available for the first time, brand new alternate reality uniforms & rank insignia!
Want to be part of this exciting event? We're look looking for players to fill the following positions:
- Flight Control Officers
- Security/Tactical Officers
- Operations Officers
- Engineering Officers
- Science Officers
- Medical Officers
Are you ready to jump into an alternate reality of role-playing?
April 19, 2013
Is Your ID Card Up-To-Date?
As part of an internal fleet campaign to ensure all player materials are current, we're asking you, "is your ID card up-to-date?"
If you have recently changed position or increased in rank, be sure to check that your signature ID card has been updated. More often than not, we will update your ID card automatically but occasionally some people will slip through the net. It is for this reason that we're launching a full check for all players.
If your ID card does indeed need updating, simply send a private message to your Commanding Officer who will relay your request up the chain of the command for processing within three days.
If you need further help or advice relating to your ID card, see our help file or speak to your Department Head.
You have a right to an ID card in Shadow Fleet. Make sure it's up-to-date.
If you have recently changed position or increased in rank, be sure to check that your signature ID card has been updated. More often than not, we will update your ID card automatically but occasionally some people will slip through the net. It is for this reason that we're launching a full check for all players.
If your ID card does indeed need updating, simply send a private message to your Commanding Officer who will relay your request up the chain of the command for processing within three days.
If you need further help or advice relating to your ID card, see our help file or speak to your Department Head.
You have a right to an ID card in Shadow Fleet. Make sure it's up-to-date.
April 18, 2013
The Daily Shadow - Open For Submissions!
Following a recent overhaul and redesign, we are pleased to announce that Shadow Fleet's official news blog The Daily Shadow will now be accepting articles as submitted by members of the fleet!
That's right, as part of our relaunch, we're looking for Star Trek and Shadow Fleet related articles to publish in our dedicated news blog. Whether it's a look at the impact Star Trek has had on technology or how Shadow Fleet compares to other internet RPGs, if you have a story we want to hear it!
Simply submit your news article anytime to our Blog Account Manager Lieutenant Commander T'Ra Jones for a chance to be featured in The Daily Shadow!
That's right, as part of our relaunch, we're looking for Star Trek and Shadow Fleet related articles to publish in our dedicated news blog. Whether it's a look at the impact Star Trek has had on technology or how Shadow Fleet compares to other internet RPGs, if you have a story we want to hear it!
Simply submit your news article anytime to our Blog Account Manager Lieutenant Commander T'Ra Jones for a chance to be featured in The Daily Shadow!
April 14, 2013
Star Trek: Lost Paradise - Coming Soon!
With the release of Star Trek Into Darkness just a month away, we're excited to announce a
brand new Special Mission event that's not to be missed!
Responding to a distress call on the outskirts of Federation space, the crew of the USS Lexington are shocked to discover a brand new planet teeming with life. As the rescue party descends on what is a seemingly a tropical paradise, it doesn't take long for the crew to discover the true nature of this new-found world, and the secrets it holds within...
The first Special Mission to be set in JJ Abrams' alternate reality, Star Trek: Lost Paradise will be set aboard the re-imagined Constitution-class USS Lexington. Complete with authentic alternate reality uniforms, this is your chance to role-play in a brand new environment unlike any other seen in Shadow Fleet's history!
Keep checking back for more details about our most exciting Special Mission event yet, coming soon!
Spread The Word! 2013 Draws To A Close
The last two weeks have seen an excellent response to our Spread The Word Campaign for 2013. Now it's time to bring to an end and thank all those who helped promote the fleet on the web and beyond.
We would like to thank all those who went out there and literally "spread the word" about our fleet. From the most minor link on a social networking site to a dozen advertisements on forums & blogs across the internet, the response from players was truly appreciated and will go towards helping us in ways you may not have considered.
As promised, all those who helped promote the fleet during Spread The Word! 2013 are hereby awarded the official "Spread The Word! Campaign Medal" to proudly display in their forum profile. Congratulations go to the following on receiving this coveted award:
The Shadow Fleet Admiralty would also like to provide extra special thanks to the Media & Recruitment Team who have been working very hard over the last few weeks to keep our social media sites updated and advertise the fleet on external sites. You efforts are very much appreciated!
Though our Campaign for 2013 is now over, please do keep up your advertising efforts and invite your friends to come and take a look. Recruitment and advertisement is something that should continue all the time as we try to expand our fleet and make it the premier Star Trek RPG on the internet.
Keep up the good work!
We would like to thank all those who went out there and literally "spread the word" about our fleet. From the most minor link on a social networking site to a dozen advertisements on forums & blogs across the internet, the response from players was truly appreciated and will go towards helping us in ways you may not have considered.
As promised, all those who helped promote the fleet during Spread The Word! 2013 are hereby awarded the official "Spread The Word! Campaign Medal" to proudly display in their forum profile. Congratulations go to the following on receiving this coveted award:
- Jon Tulley
- Luke Stafford
- John Harriman
- Kylik Roth
- Tiberius Howard
- T'Ra Jones
The Shadow Fleet Admiralty would also like to provide extra special thanks to the Media & Recruitment Team who have been working very hard over the last few weeks to keep our social media sites updated and advertise the fleet on external sites. You efforts are very much appreciated!
Though our Campaign for 2013 is now over, please do keep up your advertising efforts and invite your friends to come and take a look. Recruitment and advertisement is something that should continue all the time as we try to expand our fleet and make it the premier Star Trek RPG on the internet.
Keep up the good work!
April 12, 2013
Commissioned Officer Recruiting Period 02/13
The CORP is the opportunity for all eligible crewmen to apply for a place on a Commissioned Officer Training Course (OTC) at Shadow Fleet Academy.
During period 02/13, we are looking to recruit into the following fields:
- Security/Tactical
- Science
- Medical
- Engineering/Operations
If you are an enlisted player holding the rate of Petty Officer Third Class or above and wish to apply for the Officer Training Course in any of the above fields, send a request to your Commanding Officer via private message explaining the field in which you are applying and why you wish to become a commissioned officer in Shadow Fleet.
The deadline for all applications is April 19th, 2013.
Good luck!
Note: Not all applicants will be successful. If you are not accepted onto an Officer Training Course, there will be another opportunity through CORP 03/13 to be announced later in the year. Successful graduates may be required to transfer ship to satisfy officer personnel requirements across the fleet. Maximum graduating rank in this CORP is Ensign.
Fleet-Wide Consultation On New Enlisted Training Course
Following extensive planning and development by members of the Media & Recruitment Team, Shadow Fleet is pleased to announce the start of a three week consultation period on a newly proposed idea to open an initial training course for new members.
The proposal, if accepted by the Shadow Fleet Admiralty, will comprise of various stages called "modules" with each designed to assist a new player in learning about an area of the fleet. It is hoped that this new course will help those younger and inexperienced role-players integrate more readily into role-playing onboard a Shadow Fleet SIMM.
The complete outline of the proposal can be viewed below.
Over the next three weeks, we're looking to you - our members - for ideas and opinions on this new proposal. Do you think it is a good idea? Would it attract or deter new members? Would you have found it helpful when you joined the fleet? Let us know your thoughts by posting in the official discussion topic.
All ideas and opinions will be respected and each one will assist the Admiralty in coming to a final decision regarding this major change to the fleet recruitment process. The closing date for this consultation will be May 4th, after which a decision will be made and announced fleet-wide.
Until then, we welcome you thoughts.
The proposal, if accepted by the Shadow Fleet Admiralty, will comprise of various stages called "modules" with each designed to assist a new player in learning about an area of the fleet. It is hoped that this new course will help those younger and inexperienced role-players integrate more readily into role-playing onboard a Shadow Fleet SIMM.
The complete outline of the proposal can be viewed below.
Course eligibility
The Shadow Fleet basic training course is open to all members up to and including the rank of Senior Crewman.
Course Aims
- To provide new members with the core foundation of knowledge required on Shadow Fleet.
- To provide a platform for further study, improvement and preparation for EPC/CORP/COTC.
- To provide staff with better knowledge of new member requirements.
- To provide new members with a chance to showcase talent and seek reward.
Course Rewards
C grade - Certificate of merit reward.
For those who grasp the basics of the course but show little initiative or imagination.
B grade- Certificate of excellence reward.
For those who understand well the lessons of the course and show initiative and imagination. Those who the instructors feel have potential and will continue improving.
A grade - Basic Training award + Certificate of excellence reward.
For those who show excellent ability in all aspects of the course. This is for students who the instructors feel are in the upper tier of posting competency amongst the forum members.
Course Material
Module A: Spelling & Grammar.
References to be offered: Improve on...Spelling and Help file: Spelling & Grammar
This module should establish the students current writing ability, then offer testing on a basic role play scenario. Once complete, the instructor will offer his evaluation of this module and module B.
Module B: Correct Shadow Fleet posting techniques.
References to be offered: Help file: Posting format and Improve on...posting format
This module should be included along with module A and instruct the student in the correct use of Shadow Fleet posting format.
Module C: Star Trek Technical knowledge.
References to be offered: ACTD tech specs, Memory Alpha and Improve on...technical knowledge
This module should be treat as a normal mission type situation, where the correct posting format is to be followed. Good spelling and grammar should also remain present. The aim of this module is to have the applicant show they can research basic technology principles and apply them in character. Canon should be adhered to and god modding avoided.
Module D: Describing action.
References to be offered: ACTD tech specs, Memory Alpha and God-Modding
This module should be treat as a normal mission type situation, where the correct posting format is to be followed. Good spelling and grammar should also remain present. The aim of this module is to have the student describe an action sequence in a mission context. Canon should be adhered to and god modding avoided.
Over the next three weeks, we're looking to you - our members - for ideas and opinions on this new proposal. Do you think it is a good idea? Would it attract or deter new members? Would you have found it helpful when you joined the fleet? Let us know your thoughts by posting in the official discussion topic.
All ideas and opinions will be respected and each one will assist the Admiralty in coming to a final decision regarding this major change to the fleet recruitment process. The closing date for this consultation will be May 4th, after which a decision will be made and announced fleet-wide.
Until then, we welcome you thoughts.
April 7, 2013
"Spread the Word" Halfway Point
Ladies and gents, we are now a week into the glorious month of April. You know what that means? We are now at the halfway point
of "Spread the Word 2013". Have you made an effort yet to recruit new
members? If yes, don't forget to tell us on the "Spread the Word" forum topic. If not, it's not too late. There is still plenty of time to get the word out there.
Thanks to all the hard work so far, we have a new member, Crewman Recruit Kylik Roth (joined 2 April, 2013). Please don't forget to give him a warm hello. We also have many new and returning members on the Shadow Fleet pages on Twitter and Facebook. If you aren't one of them, feel free to check those pages out.
With one week left in "Spread the Word 2013," please keep up all the hard work. We look forward to seeing many more new members.
Thanks to all the hard work so far, we have a new member, Crewman Recruit Kylik Roth (joined 2 April, 2013). Please don't forget to give him a warm hello. We also have many new and returning members on the Shadow Fleet pages on Twitter and Facebook. If you aren't one of them, feel free to check those pages out.
With one week left in "Spread the Word 2013," please keep up all the hard work. We look forward to seeing many more new members.
New Task Group Commander For The Fleet
We are excited to announce that a decision has been made to appoint a new Flag Officer Commanding for Task Group Alpha. In what is the first promotion of its kind for over two years, the Shadow Fleet Admiralty is proud to appoint Captain Reece Thompson to this prestigious position.
Captain Thompson joined Shadow Fleet in April 2009 as Ensign in the Security/Tactical department. Since that time, he has worked his way up the ranks eventually achieving a position as Department Head with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. After a short break away from the fleet, Thompson returned with a new-found enthusiasm which quickly won him a position as First Officer on the USS Discovery. Several months later, Thompson was promoted to Captain and transferred to the USS Churchill.
With his experience as both a poster and a Command Level Officer, we are confident Captain Thompson will take to his new role well. The promotion itself will take effect at the conclusion of the Churchill's current mission. Until that time, please congratulate Captain Thompson on his new administrative position in the fleet.
Captain Thompson joined Shadow Fleet in April 2009 as Ensign in the Security/Tactical department. Since that time, he has worked his way up the ranks eventually achieving a position as Department Head with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. After a short break away from the fleet, Thompson returned with a new-found enthusiasm which quickly won him a position as First Officer on the USS Discovery. Several months later, Thompson was promoted to Captain and transferred to the USS Churchill.
With his experience as both a poster and a Command Level Officer, we are confident Captain Thompson will take to his new role well. The promotion itself will take effect at the conclusion of the Churchill's current mission. Until that time, please congratulate Captain Thompson on his new administrative position in the fleet.
April 1, 2013
Spread the Word 2013!!!
Last month we announced this year's Spread The Word! Campaign. Now it's time to make it happen!
Spread the Word! is all about us - the members - going out onto the internet and literally "spreading the word" about Shadow Fleet. This could be in the form of a link submission to a website, a status update on a social networking site, a banner exchange with a popular website, a post on another forum or blog, or even by posters up through your local area...the list is endless!
From now until April 14th, our aim is to increase the fleet's presence on the internet so we can ultimately increase our member numbers. And you know what more numbers means! That's right. More members equals more ships. And more ships equals more promotions all round!
No matter what you choose to do for Spread the Word! 2013, let us know by posting your contributions on the official discussion topic. Remember, it can be anything at all. The smallest link on the most insignificant website can help us in ways you wouldn't think. And to top it all off, anyone who contributes to the Campaign in three ways will be awarded the Spread the Word! Ribbon to display in their forum profile.
So...have you spread the word yet?
Useful links & resources:
Spread the Word! is all about us - the members - going out onto the internet and literally "spreading the word" about Shadow Fleet. This could be in the form of a link submission to a website, a status update on a social networking site, a banner exchange with a popular website, a post on another forum or blog, or even by posters up through your local area...the list is endless!
From now until April 14th, our aim is to increase the fleet's presence on the internet so we can ultimately increase our member numbers. And you know what more numbers means! That's right. More members equals more ships. And more ships equals more promotions all round!
No matter what you choose to do for Spread the Word! 2013, let us know by posting your contributions on the official discussion topic. Remember, it can be anything at all. The smallest link on the most insignificant website can help us in ways you wouldn't think. And to top it all off, anyone who contributes to the Campaign in three ways will be awarded the Spread the Word! Ribbon to display in their forum profile.
So...have you spread the word yet?
Useful links & resources:
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