We have come a long way over the past six years. From a barely-staffed one-SIMM RPG to a four-strong fully-crewed fleet, there is one person who has been an integral part of it's development for the whole journey. I am both pleased and excited to announce the promotion of one of our long-serving admirals, John Kawolsky.
Joining the fleet from it's inception in 2007, John Kawolsky's first assignment was as Security/Tactical Officer on the Nova-class USS Discovery. Quickly rising through the ranks, it wasn't long before he attained the position of First Officer on the ship. Soon after and with the departure of the ship's Captain Kayla Harper, Kawolsky stepped up to lead the crew through new missions and role-playing action. In 2011, he received promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral (Lower Half), leaving the Discovery to focus his attention on building up the fleet's only Task Group which now consists of four starships. Ever since, he has shown tremendous dedication and organisation, and without that Shadow Fleet would have crumbled long ago.
With his work now done in Task Group Alpa, it is time for Kawolsky to move up to take command of the fleet's Task Force 10 and oversee the future development of our RPG. Please congratulate him on this achievement.
Well done, Rear Admiral.
-Fleet Admiral Chris O'Neill
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