August 31, 2012
Star Trek TNG Cast in Chicago
Star Trek TNG cast is due for an exclusive reunion in Chicago, May 2013! Visit for more details!

Shadow Fleet Academy Wants You!
Shadow Fleet is looking for Academy instructors to be in place for the next CORP drive, which is scheduled to launch later this year. Do you have a burning desire to give back to Shadow Fleet? Do you think you have what it takes to be an instructor? Maybe this is for you.
To apply, you must:
- Have been a member of the fleet for at least 6 months
- Hold the minimum rank of Lieutenant and no higher than Commander
- Hold no other secondary duty within the fleet
- Be willing to commit fully for the duration of a candidate's course
- Be able to demonstrate an excellent standard of spelling and grammar
August 29, 2012
Post of the Month--August 2012
Please congratulate Crewman Jacoby Hawkins for writing this month's Post of the Month! A most enjoyable post, his Commanding Officer commented, "This is epic! Hawkins has really found his place in Engineering. Well written, descriptive, fun, lighthearted and overall enjoyable read. I am very proud of my engineering department!" If you come across what you think is a stellar post, don't forget to nominate it for next month's post of the month.
:: Main Engineering | USS Gibson ::
Having been sequestered inside a cramped Poer relay for the better part of the past few hours, and having been tasked with repairing said relay's coolant matrix, Jacoby looked the part. Coolant fluid adorned the crimson haired Crewman's face and uniform, and his trousers were torn in a few different places. There was even coolant in his hair. But he was happy to have been tasked with the job. Since they's gotten the new Chief Petty Officer in engineering, it really wasn't the place to be for him. He'd had a few run ins with the new NCO's ire, and the prospect didn't exactly excite him. It excited his new room mate, Crewman Apprentice Silas Wentworth even less.
"HAWKINS!" the non-com's voice carried down from the gangway overlooking main engineering. "Get to the Cargo Bay. Ensign Thompson's been looking for you."
"What's he want Chief? There's half a power conduit on Deck Five looking for me too." Jacoby called up, squinting to see the burly Tellarite leaning over the railing."
"Who cares what he wants WITH you. He want's YOU is the point. Get moving." Gren called out, his nasally baritone blanketing the Gibson's nerve center. "And send Wentworth to deck five."
"Aye Chief." Jacoby yelled back. "Also, you look thin today. Chef cooked bacon and eggs in the mess."
Gren's subsequent reply, loud and thunderous as it came, was preceded by a padd exploding against the bulkhead next to him. "GET MOVING."
Hawkins was already out the doors when the pieces hit the deck.
=/\= Hawkins to Wentworth =/\=
A moment went by before the excitable young engineer's voice crackled over the com link.
=/\= Wentworth. =/\=
=/\= Yes. Boss Hog wants to to finish up the power conduit on deck five. I gotta go see the factory about something in the cargo bay. =/\=
=/\= Ok. I'm going there now. did you leave the tools? =/\=
=/\= Yup. they're all still there. Hawkins out. =/\=
With the connection closed, Jacoby was free to wonder just what the Gibson's chief engineer wanted with him. Might have been about his nickname. In fact, Jacoby pondered as he approached the cargo bay, that's probably what it was. In Hawkins' brief experience in Starfleet, hard truths weren't something officers liked to hear. Especially when that truth was in regards to them. Oh well... more replicator cleaning duty. Apparently Boss Hog wasn't fond of his nickname either. And Jacoby hadn't even thought that one up. The guy from Earth did... the cowboy. Oh well.
The doors to the Gibson's cargo bay swooshed open before him, revealing Ensign Thompton, a science crewman, and some sort of alien looking contraption.
"Chief Thompson, Bo... Chief Petty Officer Gren said you wanted to see me?"
August 22, 2012
Destination Star Trek London--October
August 12, 2012
Official Star Trek Convention--Las Vegas
Shadow Fleet will be reporting live from the Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is now here and you can be a part of it too!
Throughout August 12 (today), Shadow Fleet will be bringing you news, updates, and fun pictures directly from the convention. Head over to our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up on the action.
And if you really want to get involved, we'd like to see what you like to do to celebrate Star Trek. Maybe you dress up, create signs or banners, or maybe you just like to talk about your favorite shows? Send us your "likes," comments, and pictures either through our social networking sites or by posting in the discussion topic directly on Shadow Fleet.
Throughout August 12 (today), Shadow Fleet will be bringing you news, updates, and fun pictures directly from the convention. Head over to our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up on the action.
And if you really want to get involved, we'd like to see what you like to do to celebrate Star Trek. Maybe you dress up, create signs or banners, or maybe you just like to talk about your favorite shows? Send us your "likes," comments, and pictures either through our social networking sites or by posting in the discussion topic directly on Shadow Fleet.
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