May 31, 2012

End of "Spread the Word 2012"

As the glorious month of May comes to a close, so does "Spread the Word 2012". Everyone put forth a great effort, and as a result we gained many new players. In total, throughout the whole month of May, we have gained nine (yes, nine!) and a returning player. 
  • Joesph Taylor (joined 5/6/12)
    • Flight Control Crewman of the USS Churchill
  • T'Manda Vallon (joined 5/8/12)
    • Flight Control Crewman of the USS Discovery
  • Lewis Henson (joined 5/11/12)
    • Operations Crewman of the USS Discovery
  • Ash Thompson (returned 5/11/12)
    • Flight Control Ensign of the USS Discovery
  • Crewman T'Madh (joined 5/11/12)
    • Science Crewman of the USS Churchill
  • Rennan Protheus (joined 5/15/12)
    • Medical Crewman (Nursing Technician) of the USS Discovery
  • Benjamin Bradley (joined 5/17/12)
    • Engineering Crewman of the USS Churchill
  • Adolph Klein (joined 5/19/12)
    • Flight Control Crewman of the USS Discovery
  • Kiork (joined 5/27/12)
    • Security Crewman of the USS Churchill
  • Kyle Briggs (joined 5/27/12)
    • Engineering Crewman of the USS Discovery
Don't forget to give all new and returning players a warm hello. And remember to check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

May 30, 2012

New Youtube Video: The Nations, The People

Check out the latest video made by the talented Shelaf Greegy. It is all about Shadow Fleet members and where they hail from.

May 23, 2012

One More Week

We are now entering the last week of "Spread the Word 2012." Let's give it was last big push to end the month with a bang. We have done a great job so far, so let's keep the momentum going strong. Don't forget that we also have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and a YouTube account. Don't forget to refer any new members to these fantastic sites and ask if they'd like to join or follow these groups. If you are currently not doing so yourself, get in there. It's a great way to keep up on Shadow Fleet news.

May 19, 2012

Shadow Fleet's Newest SIMM!!

Ladies and gents, it's official!!! The USS Gibson is coming to town! It will be the first Nova-class starship since the first USS Discovery was destroyed. Commanded by the magnificent Commander Riley T. Munro, the USS Gibson will be a science vessel, focusing primarily on scientific exploration. The full crew roster and further details surrounding the launch of the Gibson will be announced in the coming weeks. For more information, check out the Shadow Fleet discussion topic.

New Youtube Video

Our very own Shelaf Greegy has created yet another creative YouTube video to promote the new Poem Anthology. Check it out, and while you're at it, why not get the book? Anyway, enjoy this short but epic video.

"New video! Shiny! So is what it's advertising!"
-Shelaf Greegy

May 17, 2012

The Poetry Anthology--Beyond the Stars

The poems are coming! The poems are coming! What madness is this? Well, ladies and gents, after much hard work and collaboration, the Shadow Fleet poem anthology Beyond the Stars has finally arrived. It is filled to the brink with poems written by our very own members! You can get your very own copy for $12.99, and if you buy a copy, let us know what you think by posting in the official Anthology discussion topic (or in the "Showcase Your Shadow Fleet Purchases" discussion topic).

May 15, 2012

"Spread the Word" Halfway Point

Ladies and gents, we are now halfway through the glorious month of May. You know what that means? We are now at the halfway point of "Spread the Word 2012". Have you made an effort yet to recruit new members? If yes, don't forget to tell us on the "Spread the Word" forum topic. If not, it's not too late. There is still plenty of time to get the word out there.

Let's take a look at all of the accomplishments we have already made. We have gained four new members as well as a returning player .
Don't forget to give all these new (and returning) players a warm hello. We also have many new and returning members on the Shadow Fleet pages on Twitter and Facebook. If you aren't one of them, feel free to check those pages out.

May 14, 2012

Major Changes to the Fleet Application Process

For those of you who haven't noticed, there have been several major changes to the Fleet Application process as well as promotion criteria. Shadow Fleet will no longer be accepting commissioned officer applications from new players or secondary characters. Do you still wish to become an officer? Never fear! Starting June 1st, all new players or secondary characters must first join as an enlisted crewman. Not only does it ensure that the ratio of crewman to officers is not out of whack, it allows players a time for learning before stepping into bigger roles. As they progress through the crewman ranks, their knowledge grows. Once they reach the position of Petty Officer Third Class, they may at last apply to gain entry into Shadow Fleet's long established Academy. However, academy courses will only be offered at certain times so that all courses can be conducted at the same time. For more information, check out the topics in the Fleet News Service Board and the Help Files.

May 12, 2012

USS Discovery Ends Its 7th Season

The USS Discovery just ended the last mission in its seventh season. What a action packed season it was too. Mission ten, "End of days", was particularly interesting. With the B.O.R.G on Earth, it was up to the Discovery to save the day. Filled to the brink with action and with a touch of humor, it was well worth the read. If you would like something good to read, you should definitely check it out, and while you're at it, you might as check out previous missions from season seven in the mission archives. It shall be interesting to see what they come up with for the next season. In my opinion, season seven will be hard to beat.

May 8, 2012

Command Officer Promotions

Let's all congratulate Scott Bradley and Riley T. Munro on their promotions. Scott Bradley, who has been with the fleet since 2007, has been promoted from Commander to Captain. He has always demonstrated excellent posting ability, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, and commitment to his ship and its players. As well as his promotion to Captain, he been appointed as Task Group Alpha Executive Officer. Riley has been promoted from Lieutenant Commander to Commander. She has also demonstrated excellence in her posting and has contributed immensely both in and out of missions. With that said, please congratulate Captain Scott Bradley and Commander Riley T. Munro on their promotions!

May 3, 2012

RPG Exchange Program

Please give Ensign Danny Wallace a warm welcome to Shadow Fleet. He is taking part in the RPG exchange program. He joined us on April 16th and will be with us until the 16th of May. Due to technical difficulties, I was unable to post this sooner (better late than never). Anyway, he comes from all the way from the USS Phantom SIMM! Please make sure you give him a warm welcome and make sure that the time he spends with us is a blast. In the meantime, our very own Shelaf Greegy, Master Chief Petty Officer, is representing us on the Phantom SIMM. Feel free to check it out yourself. The point of the RPG exchange program is to experience and see how other Star Trek SIMMS work. It is also to get together with other Trekkies to have a smashing good time.

May 1, 2012

It's Time to Spread the Word!

Ladies and gents, it's once again that time again to spread the word. Spread the Word 2012 is here! By mouth, by email, by posting on another forum or your favorite site, it does not matter how you spread the word. We need to get the word out about how amazing Shadow Fleet is. For more information, visit the Shadow Fleet forum topic.